This is my bit of a blog. Rambling words about rambling days. No focus and nothing ambitious. I seem to write most about local color, nature, and animals, and there is an incomplete chunk about my road trips of 2011.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Birding from the Kitchen Table

Around 10:50 AM. Tea and banana bread. Outside, cold, damp, overcast.

In the far, craggy tree, a big, handsome, red squirrel and a nuthatch. Then two blue jays. Then, in the near, svelte tree, a red-bellied woodpecker, looking into the hole, and a blue jay, closer, on the ground. 

Oo, next, on the kneecap of the svelte tree, a bluebird.

11:04 AM. On the ground, between the svelte tree and the house, a robin.

The woodpecker again, looking into the hole, now tossing scraps out.

Bluebird again, ground, then kneecap.

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